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The 5 must-read Digital Transformation books

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We love books, and read many each year to inspire ourselves, stay up to date, and learn new things. We decided that we would share with you our recommendations for books to read - or re-read - in 2021.

Today, we share with you our favorite Digital Transformation Books, and will share soon our recommendations for Personal Development books, and soon after that we’ll dedicate a post to the Biographies & Business stories books we enjoyed the most.

Don’t see your favorite one? Would like to recommend one? Connect with us or leave a comment, and we’ll be happy to update the article!

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The Digital Transformation Playbook

by David L. Rogers

Going through a digital transformation is not just about adding technology to your business, it is actually about updating your strategic approach to almost every aspect of your business to capture new opportunities through novel ways of operating. The technology you will use will be a means to achieve your new ambitions and serve your customers in a better way. This book by David L. Rogers is fascinating to read, provides great insights and will keep you turning pages and then go revolutionize the way you operate.

Why you should read it: through case studies, the book gives you a complete guide to taking your firm to the next level of profitable growth, leveraging digital technologies.

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Digital (R)Evolution

by Yuri B. Aguiar

Everyone agrees that digital transformation is essential for any enterprise, but few can define what it actually means to the modern business. The author is the Chief Innovation and Transformation Officer at The Ogilvy Group, a leading think tank and media agency, and he shares a lifetime experience helping companies develop new operating models build on digital technologies; insisting on the fact that you need a framework to be successful in your transformation

Why you should read it: the book enables you with practical strategies to lead successful digital transformations, by taking your through in-depth examples and explaining key factors that can make or break your transformation

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Driving Digital

By Isaac Sacolick

The race to becoming a digital enterprise has been raging for the past decade, and is only accelerating with new technologies coming out everyday. For those individuals who have been charged with leading their company’s technology-driven change, the pressure is intense while the correct path forward unclear. Through this book, the author gets really specific on how to formulate your digital strategy, how to operationalize it, how to test emerging technologies, and in a nutshell how to avoid being disrupted in your own industry.

Why you should read it it: Written as a no-nonsense guide to successfully driving digital operations and transformation throughout a company, you’ll get actionnable insights to fuel your strategy.

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Leading Digital

By George Westerman, Didier Bonnet, Andrew McAfee

Digital transformation is not limited to tech and media companies, it is applicable - and critical - across industries and company sizes. The authors studied the digital transformation of over four hundred companies from Nike to Pernod Ricard, and identified the key factors that enabled them to become digital success.

Why you should read it: This book will unlock the keys to better engagement with your customers, digitally enhancing your operations, and creating a digital vision through a clear step-by-step process.

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The Technology Fallacy

by Gerald C. Kane, Anh Nguyen Philiips, Jonathan R. Copulsky, Garth R Andrus

The subtitle says it all: “How People Are the Real Key to Digital Transformation.” Through four years of research, comparing companies ranging from Google to Walmart or Salesforce in their approach to cultivating a digital culture within the company. The book takes the readers through practical examples of making digital part of the company’s DNA to avoid “doing digital” but rather “be digital by nature”. We particularly liked this books angle to start planning your digital transformation with your people, and your culture, and layering technology that actually helps on top.

Why you should read it: This book focuses on the human factor of digital transformation, without which the best strategies will fail every time. You must read this book to not only identify which tech you want to implement, but how to build the internal culture to support that strategy.

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