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Helpful Content Update - New Google Core Updates

We will give some information you have to know to adapt your digital strategy and optimize your presence online.  
How many updates Google perform each year?
Google modifies its algorithms one or two times per day, but no one can notice it, as the purpose is to increase the relevance of the results they bring.
Google performs major updates a few times a year and provides only few details on its content. These core updates can cause fluctuations in search results. Overall, the main goal is to improve the relevance of search results for Internet users.
Major updates such as September Core Update 2022 can have a strong impact on your website, you can either observe an increase in your natural traffic or a noticeable decrease...
To avoid unpleasant surprises, do not hesitate to follow very closely the positioning of your web pages in the coming weeks and perform analysis.

What about the last major update?

This major update is the end of the rollout of Helpful Content Update, the update launched during August that prioritizes "useful content created by and for users". The goal of this update, which focuses on the usefulness of content, is to reward pages that provide users with a positive experience, as opposed to pages that fail to meet user expectations.
·      Is your website’s content adapted to your audience? Do they find your content useful?
·      Are you answering specific questions your audience could have formulated?
·      Does your content clearly demonstrate your expertise and knowledge?
·      Does your site have a main purpose?
·      Will a user reading your content feels well-informed enough about the specific topic?
SEO makes sense when you are creating content for human search, while content created primarily for search engine traffic is highly correlated with content that users find unsatisfying.
Therefore, the previous questions will allow you to adapt your content.
If you need to implement or adapt your SEO strategy to improve your ranking in google, contact us. We will be pleased to help you and provide additional insights to help your website recover from the effect of these changes.

Discover the major update here.