Lumax Digital

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Ideas: When, where, how?

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Why are we interested by the ideas process?

At Lumax Digital, we are all about generating new and creative ideas. True to our core beliefs, we strive to innovate, challenge the status quo and perpetually seek for new and better ways to improve.

Understanding a process from end to end opens opportunities to find where there is friction, and where there is potential for acceleration. Understanding people and their motivators empowers to embark them on the change journey.

What and where did we research?

At the occasion of March #IdeasMonth, we decided to find out more about the ideas process, and surveyed our audiences on Instagram and Facebook with rapid-fire quizzes. Our respondent had to either pick or rank propositions made to them to vote on their approach to ideas generation, safe-keeping, and setting in motion.

What were the results

Based on our research, it shows that the vast majority generates their ideas mostly while exercising, and are primarily evening-thinkers. These two are probably a combination (thinking well while exercising - and - in the evening, unless they are all fans of nightly exercise).

We were surprised to find out that the split was even between paper and digital to keep a trace of these ideas, we expected to see the balance tip in favor of digital solutions. Great vote of confidence for paper, and a confirmation that companies such as reMarkable might be on to something with the digitalisation of paper.

Last but not least, results showed that the majority trust their intuition when deciding to set their ideas in motion.

Want to participate in our future polls? Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn and stay tuned for more!

Retrieve all the results in our infographic:

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