Remote training best practices

What is remote training?

It is a type of training facilitated through online video-conferencing. It can be live or recorded, and aims at bringing new knowledge to the attendees.

Various technologies can be used (Zoom, Google Meet, Cisco-Webex, BlueJeans, and many others), leveraging features such as screen sharing, live-collaboration on documents, or digital whiteboards.

Common remote training fails:

With the current meeting and travel restrictions, many companies have had to pivot to remote training with more or less success. While in the beginning of the pandemic, or before it, most people were on their best behavior when attending a video conference-call, it has become such a ubiquitous practice that people tend to log in and continue doing something else.

The most common pitfalls are:

  • Lack of attention

  • Absence of interactions

  • Limited retention of the information shared

  • “Unusual” / “Unprofessional” attitude behind the camera

Many of the fails might be imputed to participants, but it doesn’t mean that organizers don’t have their share of responsibility: If you don’t put your audience in the right conditions, how can you expect them to behave in the right way?

Best practices for a successful remote training:

  1. Leverage the right technology

  2. Ensure the participants are in the right environment

  3. Alternate learning techniques to retain attention

  4. Foster collaboration to keep everybody engaged

  5. Make everybody move regularly

  6. Best practices to hold a successful remote training session

Learn more about remote training:

We have experience training teams remotely, on a wide array of topics, get in touch with us, and we will be happy to help you organize a great session!


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