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Understanding Anything-as-a-Service (Xaas)

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What is XAAS?

Anything-as-a-service, or XaaS, is a term used to describe applications and services available whenever you want remotely through internet.

What are examples of anything-as-a-service?

The most well-known example is Software-as-a-Service, or SaaS, which you most probably use multiple times a day already (Dropbox, Microsoft Office 365, Zendesk, MailChimp, Salesforce, Docusign, and many more).

What makes Xaas interesting?

Rather than developing from the ground up a new digital capability for your company, building the IT architecture and designing applications, you can simply “rent”, on a subscription basis. This creates obvious advantages from an economic standpoint and allow you to be much faster in front of customers with ready-to-market solutions, often customizable to your unique needs.

With Everything-as-a-Service, you are empowered to be nimbler, faster, smarter, and have constant access to the technology you need to run your business, wherever you are in the world…a simple internet connection is needed.

Which industries does it apply to?

Nowadays, virtually every industry needs online services for their daily operations, from booking appointments with their clients, to organizing teams and documents, or meeting through online conference softwares.

Most companies having moved their storage and digital operations to the cloud, Xaas is the business operating model of the future.

Learn more about Xaas

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